How It Works

engiLens Workflow

engiLens is an end to end visual detection platform that allows you to perform different types of visual inspections.

This is a high-level overview of performing your inspections.

  1. Run Inspection
  2. View Inspections

Run Inspection

To create and execute an inspection there are two options from the initial screen:

  1. Drag the images you want to load into the upload box
  2. Fill in the data requested in the input fields:
    • Power Line Id: Identifier of the power line
    • Name: Name of the inspection
    • Type of inspection: Type of defect to be identified
    • Folder: Subfolder in which the images to be analysed are located
    • Team: Team performing the inspection
You can also access it from the left side menu, in the Run Inspection option.

View Inspections

To review the results of the inspections has three levels

  1. Inspections list
  2. Inspections Defects list
  3. Image Defects
  4. Inspections list

    To review the results of the inspections created, click the View Inspections option from the left side menu.

    Inspection list show all inspection in your Organization.

    • By default, the inspection are sorted from last created
    • You can use the search bar to search for a specific inspection. You can search by every showed field
    • You can export the list of inspections from the top menu. Click Export xls
    • You can view the result of each inspection by clicking on the inspection name

    Inspections Defects list

    The results of the specific inspection shows the list of analysed images, if it has defect or not and the prediction confidence.

    • You can use the search bar to search for a specific image. You can search by every showed field
    • You can export the list of inspections defects from the top menu. Click Export xls
    • You can view the result of each image by clicking on the image name

    Image Defects

    Image selected with predicted bounding box and scoring.

    Organization Overview

    An organization is a silo of data for your company's instance of engiLens.

    • Each engiLens Inspection will be saved to an Organization
    • Each email address associated with a engiLens account will be tied to an Organization
    • One Organization will have a defined maximum number of associated emails

    Register for LandingLens

    1. Click Register
    2. Enter the data in the input fields, including the Organization name you have been informed about
    3. Review the Terms of Service and select the checkbox to acknowledge that you've read it
    4. An email is sent to the engiLens administrator who will validate your account activation
    5. The engiLens administrator will validate the account and an email will be sent to your inbox confirming your engiLens registration